Water often becomes the dust suppressant of choice. Water provides only a short-term remedy that is labour-intensive and requires costly multiple applications.
DustsuppresSOR is wetter than water, ten times wetter than water. DustsuppresSOR aids immensely in compaction by virtue of the way in which it controls hydration, thereby, decreasing water surface tension and promoting a uniform transmission of moisture throughout the soil. The principal object of DustsuppresSOR is to penetrate the soil more rapidly allowing a more through mix and an even distribution of moisture using far less water. DustsuppresSOR hydrates far slower; seven to ten times slower than water alone, so is ideal for dry hot days and even dry hot and windy days when the truck just can't keep up.
Secondly, DustsuppresSOR is specifically formulated to be ten times wetter than water alone to control dehydration, so that the soil wets out more rapidly and stays at the desired moisture content for a longer workable time.
DustsuppresSOR saves on haulage both in distance and time, all the time the truck is away the soil is dehydrating faster than the truck can travel, pump and return. Some soils using just water need to be left over night for correct penetration; with DustsuppresSOR you can use the soil right away.
The proportions of DustsuppresSOR required to bringing a given soil or gravel to a workable consistency varies with the ratio of sand and clay in the soil. A soil high in clay content absorbs a greater amount of moisture before it reaches plastic state than soil high in sand content. Other factors are the soil moisture content on the day and the ambient temperature coupled to the degree of wind, as all of these factors affect the rate of hydration and dehydration.